Knowing that you do not know is the best. Not knowing that you do not know is an illness…Okurrrrr?

I love a strong juxtaposition. I think it gives me the illusion that I am achieving balance in life. Especially when I am not. I like salty, chocolate-covered pretzels, tart green apples with creamy brie, jarringly spicy hot sauce relieved by chunky guac, crunchy oreos on peppermint gelato, and a bourbon, neat, with a fresh, brined-in-house Pickleback.

I need to meditate every day. I also need Cardi B every day. Sometimes, they feel like one and the same.

ying-yang-over-rainbow-background-animated-gif                          good and bad,

At the end of a long day I remind myself of favorite Tao-isms. I read nearly memorized passages like:

“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.”
(Tao Te Ching)

And then, I get in my car, turn up the volume, and make my way home.

“You gon’ run up on who and do what?
I think y’all got your story screwed up.
I came here to ball, is you nuts?
I don’t want your punk-ass man, I’m too tough.
I’m the one that’s killin’ sh**, hands down. 
If you got a problem with me, say it now. 
Cause I don’t wanna hear no sneak dissin’ 
‘Specially not from one you weak b*****s.”
(Cardi B)

Namaste, my fellow Boss B’s.

*All* of you.



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